Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I have a cover

this is my new book cover!!! My first romantic comedy!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

a what's new update

Yes, it's been a while since I last posted. I'm such a bad, bad, blogger.

BUT... I've been in a writing frenzy and I've been doing edits on a finished work (My Guardians of Eden Series and also Capture the Pearl) and I've completed two new partials (Out of Sync and Out of Time) and they are all being submitted as I type.

Which leaves me cultivating a new idea. A very unique idea that will really stretch me as a writer as I'll have to delve deep into characteristics that I don't posess in order to pull this off. But...I'm up for the challenge. I don't want to give too much away, except I'll tell you it's a Fantasy YA. And I really need to make sure the plot and characters are solid.

But, in the mean time, I'll be blogging over at Authors Studio (http://authorsstudio.blogspot.com) so please come and check it out. And I promise I will keep you all posted on my current progress.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rejection Stinks

Well.... I got my first rejection on Quest of the Chosen, book I in my Guardians of Eden Series. it stung a bit, and I had a pity-party over the weekend. and now? I'm soooo over it! That's right, time to move on and keep writing. My agent still has it out to another big house, so we're going to wait to see what they have to say before we make any changes. The editor said "I didn't connect with the characters". Now THAT was a bit of a blow. I really spent a lot of time developing them and even the secondary players. So I keep telling myself that's just one person's opinion.

And as a friend recently told me "all it takes is one yes". And that it does!

So now I'm back to whipping off some re-writes to The Pearl. and I've started plotting out and character development of yet another new story idea. That makes 2 new ideas. Which means I'm going to do a synopsis on each and see which one calls to me the most.

Since I tend to be a Seat of My Pants writer "a.k.a. a Pantser" I'm going to try my hand at this process called SnowFlake Plotting. My writing chapter had a speaker come in about this and I've done some research online and actually downloaded some very useful information that I started using last night. This is really going to challenge me, but in lieu of my current rejection.... I'm totally up for it!

Stay tuned for more info. And I'll be updating this snowflake journey.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Exciting News!

Okay, now that I've re-vamped my blog I'll start to update you on what's new with Barbie Jo.

My current YA novel, QUEST OF THE CHOSEN (Book I in my Guardians of Eden Series) is currently in the hands of several editors. I'm on pins and needles waiting to see if they want to buy it! This is such an exciting time. This particular story is 'boy based', focusing more on the hero than the heroine - although she does play a part in how things wrap up.

So stay tuned for any updates on this particular book. I'm also currently revising my first YA, titled CAPTURE THE PEARL. I'd like to see if I can take this story to the same level and QUEST.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My First Post

Welcome to my NEW blog!! This is the spot where you'll be in the 'know' with Barbie Jo!

together we will ride my crazy train to publication. And along the way we'll discuss all things fun and not always story related.

Sit back, sit tight and enjoy the ride!